Project status

Server status

Program Host Status
Download server Running
Upload server Running
Scheduler Ravager Not Running
feeder Ravager Not Running
transitioner Ravager Not Running
file_deleter Ravager Not Running
db_purge Ravager Not Running
s5_validator (enigma_m4_2) Ravager Not Running
av_validator (enigma_m4_3) Ravager Not Running
validator_3.3_r810_gpu (enigma_cuda) Ravager Not Running
validator_3.3_r810_test (enigma_gputest) Ravager Not Running

Computing status

Active batches

WEUWY.1 48 AV dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n1 HR
(Application: Enigma AV)
# of workunits:468000000
done 153012410
remaining 314987590
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min300000/98084/86000
g4_vroln72_2 (id: 1063)
P1030680 GPU -013- r3U534
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:26880000
done 25126123
remaining 1753877
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min20000/18695/18695
g3_alqfi87_7 (id: 1074)
ALQFI 87 -013- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n20
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:900000
done 386328
remaining 513672
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min300000/128776/128700
g3_jbiyh55_1 (id: 1110)
JBIYH 55 -013- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n10
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:393210
done 202530
remaining 190680
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min65535/33755/33700
g3_jbiyh55_2 (id: 1111)
JBIYH 55 -023- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n10
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:393210
done 202530
remaining 190680
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min65535/33755/33700
g3_rxpsb82_1 (id: 1113)
RXPSB *82* -013- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n10
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:393210
done 202496
remaining 190714
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min65535/33749/33700
g3_mvueh82_1 (id: 1114)
MVUEH 82 -013- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n10
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:393210
done 202462
remaining 190748
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min65535/33743/33710
g3_rxpsb109_1 (id: 1115)
RXPSB 109 -013- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n10
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:390000
done 202465
remaining 187535
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min65000/33744/33700
g3_algxz67_1 (id: 1127)
ALGXZ -013- dict set: AVv1 mode 2 n10
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:600000
done 232481
remaining 367519
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min100000/38746/38710
g3_rxpsb109_2 (id: 1141)
RXPSB g:013 dict:AVv1 mode:2 n:10 AUX:1
(Application: Enigma GPU)
# of workunits:300000
done 202510
remaining 97490
in progress 0
Restarts: target/avg/min50000/33751/33700
Server stats
Workunits validated last hour 0
CPU hours/hour1 0
Error rate25.6%
Result average turnaround time (hours)351.92
Workunit state
Active blocks:4 3388 (C:1560 G:1828)


Tasks ready to send3158
Tasks in progress0
Workunits waiting for validation0
Workunits waiting for assimilation0
Workunits waiting for file deletion0
Tasks waiting for file deletion0
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.00


With credit69398
With recent credit0
Registered in past 24 hours0


With credit151957
With recent credit0
Registered in past 24 hours0
Current GigaFLOPS30.61

Tasks by application

Application Unsent In progress Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours
Enigma 0.76 0 0 --- 0
Enigma AV 3158 0 --- 0
Enigma GPU 0 0 --- 0
Enigma GPU - Test version 0 0 --- 0

Database schema version: 27016; Enigma@Home server v3.4.1, revision: 879

Task data as of 22 Oct 2024, 5:31:52 UTC

1) - Enigma@Home 6 hours average processing speed is equal to 0 Athlon Thunderbirds running at 1400MHz
2) - percentage number of results which failed on the client side (server_state = 5, outcome = 3 -> client error)
3) - average time between sending result and receiving it back.
4) - number of active workunits (keyrange blocks) in the master database.
5) - number of workunits marked for processing on hosts with average turnaround time lower than 3 days.

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